FPS gaming from a non-FPS gamer’s perspective:

(Readers note: Before you start: To set the ambience, please wear your headphones, and play the video as you read through the article, enjoy)

“It is so easy, all I have to do is aim and press this button, Right?” 
Boy, I was wrong! Remember when it was as simple as Duck Hunt, as years went by, more and more advance technology came into the picture, then games like CoD, Battlefield, Counter Strike entered our lives bringing a more in depth feel to the genre, making it seem real with it’s story and graphics –Except how money comes out of the bodies instead of blood in CoD *laughs* too bad you cannot pick it up and go shopping later on.  
I am not sure if I am a noob or I lack a higher level of eye/hand coordination, but without any more rambling, let us get down to some matters that I as a non-FPS gamer just end up doing and/or saying and blaming, trying to “survive” a gameplay and always end up being the reason why whoever plays with me proceeds to laugh till their stomach’s start hurting. 

  • Blame it on the “Lag” 

wow, you have 0 skills” “lagging, dude!” 
why do you keep dying?” “blame it on the lag” 
We always hear it, heck, I even use that excuse for most of my time but to be fair I live in the middle of nowhere *please roll a scene from Courage the cowardly dog* lag is a middle name of mine *wink* 

  • Executing fancy moves 

It was such a big deal when you throw  a grenade blindly and get a kill, or perform a 360-no-scope and other stuff that are just meant to grind the other team’s gears once they see the killcam and you taunting them, people say it takes precision and tactics….I say its lady luck sitting by your side . 

Eye/hand co-ordination in relation to the gaming sensitivity 

One thing that kept bugging me is that I was not in sync with my character, we never meshed, I would try to move and it would derp its way till the end of the game and I would cost us our chance of winning, I get told that I could change the sensitive feel to the character if I needed to, but to no avail, he is either to fast or too slow for my console skills 

  • Microphone fun-time 

 http://imgur.com/s6CRjbJ  (Didnt know how to insert this media, lul)

No, seriously the amount of fun you can have using this feature, best tool for mass confusion, so effective to the point if you master it, you can use this efficiently in your games as a winning factor, it is all in the tactics *wink* 
One of my most favorite instances with a good microphone usage is from a youtube channel called “VirtuallyVain” with his African drug Lord act. 

  • Humiliation and piss-offry  

From killing off with knifing them as you crouch in stealth mode & camping to the classical “Tea bagging”. 
What is Tea Bagging you ask? 
It is basically the act of humping the enemy’s cold dead body, it is disrespectful and humiliating to its finest. 
I mean… have some respect for the dead, seriously man!! It is enough you killed them… aint it? 

  • They are silently judging you 

One of the few times you feel like you are on a talent show is when your team mates die and you are still alive, even though everyone is behind a screen, you can feel them eyeing you and silently judging you and so you try to be as calm as ever and try to not screw up….hey, no pressure though!!! #PeerPressureFTW lol 

A picture can tell 1000 words, a map can show you 1000 things 

Every game has that one map which everyone just loves, or loves to hate, you memorise all the corners, alleyways and roads, to the point it became your turf, your home. 

That is not the case with me, I still have a hard time doing things, seems like I will always be a tourist in such map. 
(Nuke Town anyone?) 

In the end, as a non-FPS gamer, I cannot deny the immense fun I have had and the EXP points I have gained by playing such games, I would do it all again 100 times and over. 

Let us know, if you like FPS games, or if you don’t down bellow 
And what games have you tried out. 
 This article might have came late, blame it on the lag *wink* 


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