Harry Potter-verse: Sisters of House Black (Fan Film 2019)
My little Azkaban heart is quaking, a project that I had the honour to see flourish and bloom, finally premiered and I canNOT stress how much I enjoyed watching it (even though I could not catch it during its premiere *sad violin*)
Delving into a family we know so much yet so little about, one individual decided to expand on their story, that person is Kelsey Ellison, a triple threat talented -Dancer, Actor, Screen Writer- YouTuber that is into 80s aesthetics and Harry Potter.
Bringing forth the story of the Black family, to be precise the 3 black sisters: Bellatrix Lestrange (Maiden Name: Bellatrix Black), Narcissa Malfoy (Narcissa Black) & Andromeda Tonks (Andromeda Black) (Readers' Note: we did not meet her in the movies, and she was mentioned a few times in the books, but for those that do not know, she is Nymphadora Tonks' mother *the scene of Tonks telling you off to not call her that- pops up here haha*)
This film is named...
Sisters of House Black
As usual before I mention my own opinion on what I thought of the movie, let us get to know the cast of the Project and a few tidbits of the movie *smile*
(Reader's Note: the names will be highlighted / Linked with their social media accounts, either Twitter account or Instagram, so please do visit their pages and follow if you like their content, they are super fun people ;3 )
The Cast & Crew:
Written and Produced by Kelsey Ellison - youtube - The Production Team youtube - Instagram - twitter - Patreon Directed by Thomas Fisher Petros Ioannou - youtube - Instagram Executive Producers Alston Stephanus Kayleigh Rodriguez Mackenzie Hussman Kelsey Ellison Producers Petros Ioannou Hannah Snow Associate Producers Abbi-Kaye Ellison Antony B Jared Bass Sherry McCutheon Rachel Folwarczny Music composed by Matthew J.H Pearson Director of Photography Petros Ioannou Ellivision presents, in association with KER* Productions and Leon Films Sisters of House Black Editor PETROS L. IOANNOU 1st Assistant Director JAMIE HOLMEWOOD 2nd Assistant Director BARRET LOADS CAST Bellatrix Black- Kelsey Ellison Narcissa Black- Hannah Snow Andromeda Black- Abbi-Kaye Ellison Cygnus Black- Simon Alison Druella Black- Gemma Wilson (Her Insta was Private, so I was not sure if I should tag it...) Ted Tonks- Andrew Hollingworth Lucius Malfoy- Faust Harrison Rodolphus Lestrange- Peter Kingston Voldemort- Bob Hurford Sirius Black- Tolin Pamphilon (His Insta was Private, so I was not sure if I should tag it...) Aunt Walburga- Eileen Montgomery Auror Richardson- Thomas Fisher
And now.....for the fun part!
First of all, for a movie that is approximately 40 minutes long, the content kept in was pretty interesting, never a dull moment, the sound and SFX were clean and clear (amazing and on par with the canon movie BTW), The cast did a great job in their roles... all in all, from the surface of things I LOVED IT!
Everything showed in the beginning got tied up to the ending nicely, no loose ends were left.... I have seen the movie once, but I am planning to watch it again at least 3 times to see what I have missed out on, so I just might write another piece on this topic .....who knows!
The scene begins with a mysterious person visiting the Black household, approaches a pensive of memories which begins the little journey down memory lane, this is where the subtle genius directing starts in my opinion *fangirling intensifies*
we are introduced to Narcissa who is walking alongside Lucious (in my opinion, he looks so gentle here and not one bit egotistical, makes you wonder, if the Dark Lord never came about, would he have grown up to be the Lucious Malfoy we know today?), as they walk to a spot full of kerfuffle that we later see is caused by the other Black sisters testing out their wands, Cissy (Narcissa) joins in and as she does, a fusion that breaks to the sky occurs causing the crowd to be astonished at this massive power, here we notice our first subtle message, if you watched the students in the back of Bellatrix and Andromeda, Slytherin and Hufflepuff students stood respectively, I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE HUEhuehue ...
My heart just leaped at that detail, not sure if it was intended or not but...huehue.
I had a theory which went like: The story telling method of this movie that was chosen is random memory sequential based, instead of the linear sequential based, which I thought was very fitting for this story as it was used to slightly confuse a person on the number of memories we would go through, if its one person, or multiple people (well that is if you were me haha, I am sure people knew it was one person) another layer of that thought maybe is to confuse people on Who's memories we were going through, but the I realised it was in order, so this whole idea went out the window
The scene after introduces us to the Black family, precisely Cygnus & Druella Black, the parents, this moment broke my heart, it's the first thing that makes one think that this is the beginning of Bella's fall into a negative mind space, an emotional unstable mind space, also showcasing the sisters' personalities, Bella having a strong will personality, Andromeda having a low-key sarcastic approach to life, Cissy having the calm and collected mindset, also the parents being a strict and ruthless type to some level, but let us be real for a bit here.......how bad does one need to be to make a parent go to the extreme of erasing a memory for disciplining reasons? is that even ethical or right? hmmmm...
I like how the scenes that follow are light hearted, I mean after a blow like that, comic relief was exactly what I needed.
Can we all appreciate Voldy here, even though this was the era that his skin and good looks starts to change, he was quite handsome and nosey when he got introduced (please tell me you saw what I did there), but honestly, the role was played very well, the Voldermort's tone was on point and stance was as rigid and flowy at the same time and I couldn't stop fangirling during this whole scene, the dueling was all that I would hope for, I am pretty sure Helena Bonham Carter would have been proud of this moment! (also the meme community can turn the dueling scene into a meme if they want to, I see Meme-potential in it)
Also please tell me I was not the only one that thought that look Bella had on her face after Voldy's face reveal was just the right amount of infatuation / a start of a crush and/or first signs of falling in love, get you a girl that would look at you like how Bella looks at The Dark Lord!
I think I may have spoiled enough of the movie, so I think it would be best to mention a few more tidbits before I conclude this article of me basically fangirling the whole time *shyly smiles*
I dunno why it interested me (haha) but the evolution of their hairstyle during the movie was something, well it was visible on Bella and Andromeda, hair transforming from straight to curls for Bella and trimmed from long to short for Andromeda, for Bella's case it was to fit the image she was introduced to us in the canon story line and as for Andromeda it was to make her look a bit older ...maybe???
"awwwww Mr. Deatheater has a sensitive side?" sent me ! Andromeda's sarcastic side is my spirit animal !
I find it veryyyyyyy cute how the music box is charmed to play whenever it senses love in its vicinity ... but I guess one might ask, does it stop playing once it does not sense anything anymore, how does it function?
It plays twice in the movie and in both these cases one can argue that there were 2 moments that you can identify love in... but these 2 scenes with the music box and it's meaning is open to discuss !
I got so happy when I saw Sirius Black, he is arguably my fave marauder boy, a good boy indeed !
again at this point another genius subtle moment ...well group of moments, the whole scene from the map to the moment Sirius states "I want someone to kill me please", why? cause:
- the making of the map and it's appearance in the film
- the closeness of Sirius and Andromeda was heart warming, in Order of the Phoenix he mentions how close they were, in Sisters of House Black you actually see that, cuteness overload.
- when he says he wants someone to kill him and passes the glass to Bella , he should have faced the camera and winked at that moment...cause you know ......Bella kills him *laughing and crying at the same time*
At this point I believe I have spoke about half of the movie, but there are more goodness moments in it, yet.....you will have to check it out on your own, and to do that, here is a link!
You can watch it on youtube (<<< click) now!
I am honestly proud of Kelsey and her team for achieving this and looking forward to many more works from the production company and its my own wish, but J.K. Rowling should see this and canonise it, cause it is just that amazing!
One question that may rise, could it have gone another direction for the Black family? could they have had a happy ending? is Bella's story made with concept of a tragic hero? hmmmm? Is Kelsey ok after that slap? What is Narcissa's facial routine ?
Bonus mention: there is a scene where Andromeda slaps Bellatrix and Bella ends up kackling .. right as Abbie lands the slap / even though the camera was behind her, you can still see the shock on her face from the side profile and how she covers her shocked open mouth and the next scene she has her cool under control : I find that hidden moment just pure gold !!!
To learn more about the movie and behind scenes notes, a Q&A video was released on the same day, you can check it out on Kelsey's channel!
Hope everyone is having an awesome time!
~Mischief Managed~

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